| - Refer to the diagram and sew one of each print/solid small triangle together to form the center square.
- Refer to the diagram and sew the remaining of each small print/solid triangle to a small background triangle along a short edge of the triangles. Sew these to one of the larger print/solid triangles, as shown in the diagram.
- Sew the remaining large print/solid triangles to a background triangle along the long sides to form squares.
 | - Assemble the block as pictured; you will have nine squares that will go together like a nine-patch block.
Your finished (unfinished) block should measure 12 1/2 inches. Be sure to leave the seam allowance on the block, DO NOT cut it to the 12 inch finished size -- as the “finished” measurement represents the block size after it is sewn into a quilt top.
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