October 2001's block is the Double Irish Chain.

Each block measures 12 1/2 inches square.  (13 inches unfinished).
The block pictured to the right is the "X" block.  The alternating block needed to complete a Double Irish Chain quilt is described below in the instructions.

Instructions:  Use good quality, 100% cotton pre-washed fabrics.







   Alternate Block Layout


    First, choose a solid white material for the background.  Then choose a Navy solid (or "looks like solid") and Pink tone-on-tone print.

    1. Cut four 3 inch square from the white-on-white fabric
        and nine 3 inch squares from the navy fabric
        and twelve 3 inch squares from the pink fabric.

    2. Match one navy square to one pink square right sides together and sew 1/4 inch seam along one side.  Press seam towards the navy side.  Do this for eight pairs of navy/pink sets.  (see graphic 2)  Do the same for four pairs of pink/white squares.  (also pictured in graphic 2)

    3. Sew two navy/pink sets together matching seams to create four squares like that shown in graphic 3.  Press seams.

    4.  Assemble two rows that look like the one shown in graphic 4 by sewing two of the squares from step 3 to either side of a pink/white set.

    5.  Assemble one row that looks like the one shown in graphic 5 by sewing two of the pink/white sets from step 2 to either side of one navy square.

    6. Assemble these three row into the finished  block.

    Your completed unfinished block will measure 13 inches.

Twelve ½ inches after sewn into a quilt!

Instructions for the Alternating Blocks:

1. Cut four 3 inch square from the pink fabric
    and one 8 inch squares from the white-on-white fabric
    and four 3 inch by 8 inch rectangles from the white-on-white fabric

2.  Sew two of the pink squares to either short side of one white rectangle.
Repeat with the remaining pink squares and one other rectangle.  Press seams to the pink.

3.  Sew the long sides of the remaining two rectangles to either side of the 8-inch white square.  Press seams to the center square.

4.  Assemble the three rows in such a way that there is a pink square in each corner of the finished block.  Use the picture to the left as a guide.

Assemble the quilt by alternating "X" blocks with these alternate blocks.


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