Block of the Month

December 2000’s block was Bug Jar

The finished block measures 6 inches by 7 inches (6½ inches by 7½ inches unfinished).  Use a small scale print with bugs or insects on it for the jar, a coordinating fabric for the jar lid, and a solid black for the background. 

Instructions:  Use good quality, 100% cotton pre-washed fabrics.  Follow the instructions below for each block.





1. Cut a 4½ by 6 inches rectangle from the bug print fabric.
2. Cut four 1 by 1 inch squares from the black fabric.
3. With the right sides together, lay one black square in the corner of the bug print fabric.
4. Stich from one corner of the black square to the opposite corner.  Repeat with the other 3 corners.
5. Finger press the black squares toward corners of bug print fabric.  Do not trim. (see graphic 1)
6. Cut two 1½ by 6 inch rectangles from the black fabric.
7. Sew the long edge of each rectangle to the long edge of the bug print fabric square created in steps 1-4.  (see graphic 2)
8. Cut a 1¼ by 3 inch rectangle from the contrasting fabric and one 1¼ by 3 inch rectangle from the black background fabric.  Sew the long edge of each of these rectangles together.

9. Cut two 2 by 2¼ inch rectangles from the black background fabric.  Sew the short edges of each of these rectangles to either end of the rectangle created in step 7. (see graphic 3)

10. Connect the two sections as shown in the illustration.

Your completed unfinished block will measure 6½ by 7½ inches
(6 by 7 inches after being sewn into a quilt).

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