February 2000’s block was a Jack in the Box.
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The finished block measures 12 1/2 inches square.
(13 inches unfinished).Instructions: Use good quality, 100% cotton prewashed fabrics.
- Cut a three inch square from a medium blue.
- Cut eight 3 3/8 inch squares from the medium blue.
- Cut four 3 by 5 1/2 inch rectangles from a contrasting blue.
- Cut four 3 by 6 1/4 inch rectangles from a white-on-white.
- Cut two 4 3/8 inch squares from the white-on-white.
- Cut the 4 3/8 inch white-on-white squares on the diagonal to form four triangles.
- Draw a diagonal line on the medium blue 3 3/8 inch squares; then line them up along the edges of the white-on-white rectangles, as shown.*
- Sew 1/4 inch INSIDE the line you drew; then cut along the drawn line. Save the blue triangles you cut off for use in step 9.
- Sew the long side of a medium triangle to the short sides of each white-on-white triangle. Press the seam toward the blue.
- Piece the units together following the diagram below.
- Your completed block will measure 13 inches.
- Twelve and one-half inches after sewn into a quilt!
*An alternative way of cutting the parallel pieces in Step 7 is to cut a strip of white-on-white fabric three inches wide. Using an angled ruler with a 45° marking on it, cut the angle on one side. Then cut 2 1/4 strips as shown in the drawing below.
The medium blue squares cut in Step 2 would then be cut on the diagonal into 16 triangles and used as shown.